Nov. 12, 2024

From Disappointment to Determination: A New Path Forward

From Disappointment to Determination: A New Path Forward

Ep 62: From Disappointment to Determination: A New Path Forward with Brian Pughsley

Summary of the episode

This episode of noseyAF centers around disappointment and reflection following the 2024 election results, highlighting the importance of community, faith, and resilience. Host Stephanie Graham expresses her pride in the efforts made by individuals who supported Vice President Harris, emphasizing that their hard work should not feel wasted. Reverend Brian Pughsley joins the conversation, offering a powerful message about faith and perseverance during challenging times. He encourages listeners to strengthen their convictions and unite in their causes, reminding everyone that the fight for rights and justice continues. Together, they inspire a sense of hope and determination to push forward, regardless of the obstacles ahead.


  • In times of disappointment, it is essential to reflect on the effort we put into the election process.
  • Reverend Brian Pusley emphasizes the importance of strengthening faith and community in challenging times.
  • The podcast highlights the necessity of activism and unity within the community for future rights.
  • Brian encourages listeners to stay ready and equipped to fight for their rights and the rights of others.
  • Stephanie expresses gratitude for the support and dedication of those who worked for change during the election.
  • The message is one of hope and resilience, reminding us that God is still in control.

About Rev Brian C. Pughsley:

Rev. Brian C. Pughsley is a multifaceted preacher, actor, rapper, writer, and podcaster dedicated to connecting with people through faith and creativity. Baptized at an early age, he answered his call to ministry on July 4, 2001, and was licensed and ordained on November 21, 2004, at Living Water Missionary Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, under Rev. Dr. Homer Walker, Jr.

Throughout his ministry, Rev. Brian has served in various pastoral roles, including Associate Pastor for Youth and Media Ministries at Living Water Missionary Baptist Church and Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church in South Holland, IL. His involvement has extended to youth leadership roles at Covenant United Church of Christ and New Faith Baptist Church International, where he supported ministries in prayer, media, and men’s fellowship.

Currently, Rev. Brian serves as Associate Pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ-Gary, where he also contributes as a digital pastor. In early 2023, he joined Immanuel Church Unusual in Chicago as a Digital Pastor, assisting the church's digital outreach as they launched in the area.

In 2018, Rev. Brian started a podcast, which evolved during the pandemic from entertainment-focused content to a ministry without walls, reaching people with messages of hope. A trained actor, violinist, rapper, and singer, he brings his diverse talents to each endeavor, blending artistry and ministry in meaningful ways. In his spare time, he enjoys writing, drawing, and inspiring others.

Currently, he resides in the suburbs of Chicago, IL.

Resources mentioned in this episode

Check out Brian’s podcast, Safe Haven

Organ music Terry Brandford Walk with Me performed by Gregg ”Happy Guitar” Hayes” check out the full performance here

Worship Music: Peace - Deep Instrumental Worship full video here

Connect with Brian

Instagram: @revbrianpughsley


Connect with Stephanie

Instagram: @stephaniegraham

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Episode Credits:

Produced, Hosted, and Edited by Me, Stephanie (teaching myself audio editing!)

Lyrics: Queen Lex

Instrumental: Freddie Bam Fam


00:00 - None

00:04 - Reflections on Election 2024

01:47 - A New Direction in Faith and Community

04:26 - Preparing for the Fight Ahead

05:17 - The Fight for Rights and Unity

07:20 - The Call for Community Action

08:45 - Reflections and Future Connections

Stephanie Graham

Hey, friends.

Stephanie Graham


Stephanie Graham

And welcome back to Nosy af.

Stephanie Graham

I know a lot of us are feeling disappointed with the outcome of election 2024, including myself.

Stephanie Graham

But I did want to take a moment to say how absolutely proud I am with everyone who did all that they could to support Vice President Harris to get her in office.

Stephanie Graham

I mean, we really were doing everything we could.

Stephanie Graham

Stephisha, Christina, Nikki.

Stephanie Graham

So, so many creators that really were knocking on doors, registering people to vote, driving people to vote.

Stephanie Graham

My friend's mom was literally giving people rides to make sure that they were able to vote.

Stephanie Graham

And, you know, it's tough.

Stephanie Graham

It's tough to have all of your hard work feel like it's gone, gone to be for nothing.

Stephanie Graham

And, you know, I'm really proud of us, though.

Stephanie Graham

I'm really, really proud.

Stephanie Graham

And, you know, we put up a really, really good fight.

Stephanie Graham

And, I don't know, it's just been tough, but I feel like for me, this has been an opportunity for me to really reflect and think.

Stephanie Graham


Stephanie Graham

I don't know, this is where my faith, my spiritual walk really starts to get fired up.

Stephanie Graham

So today I.

Stephanie Graham

I'm taking this podcast in a bit of a new direction.

Stephanie Graham

I know you've been having these election episodes, and here comes another one.

Stephanie Graham

And, you know, I reached out to my good friend Reverend Brian Pusley of the Safe Haven Podcast to share a message with us.

Stephanie Graham

Because, you know, as black folks, we know when times get dark, we always turn to the Lord for our strength and guidance.

Stephanie Graham

And so Brian and I went to school together.

Stephanie Graham

We share the same birthday.

Stephanie Graham

We both love God.

Stephanie Graham

I mean, he's a reverend, and I don't know, I just thought that him sharing something would be helpful to me.

Stephanie Graham

And in turn, I'm hoping that it would be helpful to you.

Stephanie Graham

So, Brian, take it away.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Hello, my name is Reverend Brian C.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Pusely of Safe Haven Podcast.

Reverend Brian Pusely

I want to thank my friend Stephanie Graham for inviting me to take part in this program this week.

Reverend Brian Pusely

What are we talking about today?

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're talking about trying to find a new way, a new path, so to speak, because right now, we are going through so many things.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We are going through what many of the people in the Bible went through in 1st Samuel 8, where a lot of the people prayed for King.

Reverend Brian Pusely


Reverend Brian Pusely

They rejected God in this respect.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Now, don't worry if you were the ones that did not vote for him, don't worry about it, because you're not the ones that rejected God, but the ones that did have.

Reverend Brian Pusely

So therefore, what do you do?

Reverend Brian Pusely

You God saying, I let this happen.

Reverend Brian Pusely

But don't worry, I'm not going to let this.

Reverend Brian Pusely

I'm not going to let his plan prevail.

Reverend Brian Pusely

So therefore, don't sit there and cower in fear about what's going to happen in the next four years.

Reverend Brian Pusely

No, this is what you do within the next four years.

Reverend Brian Pusely

You continue to get stronger in your faith, you get stronger in your convictions, you get stronger in your purpose.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Whatever it is that you are here on this earth for now is the time to showcase it in a stronger and more profound way than ever before.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Maybe this is a sign.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Maybe this is the lesson in order for us to receive and achieve a bigger blessing.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Maybe we got a little complacent.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Maybe we got a little too comfortable in our skin.

Reverend Brian Pusely

But now, now is the time that we do something better.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We do something even better.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We get better.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We get become more united in our cause, in our fight.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Maybe we were a little not together.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Maybe we weren't as united as we should be.

Reverend Brian Pusely

But now is the time that we, as they say, man up or we woman up.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We get ready.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We get ready for this fight.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Because this battle, this war is not over.

Reverend Brian Pusely

No, it's just getting started.

Reverend Brian Pusely

So therefore, guys, I want to let you all know that it's not over.

Reverend Brian Pusely

And I'm encouraging you to stay strong, stay prayed up and stay ready to do whatever it is you have to do by whatever means necessary to get the job done, get the mission done.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Because right now we're fighting for our rights.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're fighting for everyone's rights.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're fighting for female rights.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're fighting for civil rights, black rights.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Every right that's out there that is not.

Reverend Brian Pusely

That there are against.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Well, guess what?

Reverend Brian Pusely

We are not going to stand.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're not going to sit down and let them do what they think that you can do to us.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Because we are not.

Reverend Brian Pusely

They think we are.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We are stronger than that.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We are.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We are united in the cause to make sure that the plan that God has for us.

Reverend Brian Pusely

That's right, God.

Reverend Brian Pusely

God is still in control.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Don't forget that.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Just because you think and feel that God was off the wheel for one.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Took his eyes off the prize for a minute.

Reverend Brian Pusely

No, he did not.

Reverend Brian Pusely

He knows what's going on.

Reverend Brian Pusely

And you know what?

Reverend Brian Pusely

He is equipping you right now to do what has to be done.

Reverend Brian Pusely

So stay prayed up, stay ready, stay on the battlefield.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Because quite frankly, that's all we got now.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Because let's continue to educate our next generation.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Because quite frankly, if they're going to do what we think they're going to do.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Our future has no chance.

Reverend Brian Pusely

But guess what?

Reverend Brian Pusely

Our future does have a chance because we're still here.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're still doing what?

Reverend Brian Pusely

Guess what we're doing.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're still breathing.

Reverend Brian Pusely

So therefore, let's do it.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Let's do this.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Now, I'm going to give a quick prayer real quickly and then I'm going to turn it back over to the host.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Dear Heavenly Father, right now, we pray that you just use us, you equip us to do what we have to do in order to fulfill your will.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Heavenly Father, yes, somebody that we may not like is going to take over the wheel, but we got to remember that you are the king, the true king, the true president of our lives, Lord.

Reverend Brian Pusely

Heavenly Father.

Reverend Brian Pusely

So therefore, we're going to just follow your will.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We're going to follow your guidance on Heavenly Father, but we're going to do everything we can within the rights that has been placed before us to make sure that your will is done and achieved in the way that it should be achieved.

Reverend Brian Pusely

We pray in this prayer in your son Jesus name.

Reverend Brian Pusely


Reverend Brian Pusely

Thank God and I thank you for this time and I pray that there will be another time and I shall return.

Reverend Brian Pusely

God bless.

Stephanie Graham

Prayers, community, action, change.

Stephanie Graham

All of these things are so needed right now, y'all.

Stephanie Graham

I am so happy that we are artists, that we are activists, that we are filmmakers, that we are change makers because we're needed right now more than ever.

Stephanie Graham

And I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so thankful that Reverend Brian was able to take the time to do a quick hot take, prayer and sermon for us about a new way.

Stephanie Graham

I am encouraged and honestly, I'm resting in the fact that with this knucklehead coming to office, we really have no choice but to rest on God and see what happens.

Stephanie Graham

All while doing our part.

Stephanie Graham

Just like Brian said.

Stephanie Graham

Safe Haven with Brian Pusely is available in the exact same place where you are listening to my podcast, Nosy af.

Stephanie Graham

Thank you for going to church with me, y'all.

Stephanie Graham

I really appreciate it.

Stephanie Graham

I said thank you for going to church with me, y'all.

Stephanie Graham

I said thank you for going to church with me.

Stephanie Graham

I'm pretending like I have church organs in my head one day at a time.

Stephanie Graham

We have each other and I am so thankful for that.

Stephanie Graham

I'm so thankful for that.

Stephanie Graham

Listen, I know this was a different podcast.

Stephanie Graham

And next episode we are back with a brand new artist for you to meet or be reintroduced to again and I can't wait for you to meet them.

Stephanie Graham

I look forward to hearing your feedback on this episode, on the election episodes and you know, did you like the prayer?

Stephanie Graham

Hate it.

Stephanie Graham

Want more of it?

Stephanie Graham

I want to know.

Stephanie Graham

I truly love when y'all talk to me, so please don't hesitate to hit me up.

Stephanie Graham

I love hearing from you and I adore you.

Stephanie Graham

So until next time, y'all take care.

Stephanie Graham

This has been another episode of Nosy af.

Stephanie Graham

I'm your host, Stephanie Graham.

Stephanie Graham

What did you think about today's conversation?

Stephanie Graham

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Stephanie Graham

Head over to the Nosy AF website for all the show notes related to this episode.

Stephanie Graham

You can also find me on Instagram at Stephanie Graham, what would you know?

Stephanie Graham

Or where you can sign up for my newsletter where I share exclusive updates about my studio practice as well as this podcast.

Stephanie Graham

Until next time, y'all stay curious and take care.

Stephanie Graham
